Friday, November 26, 2010


    Making a ticket is very easy. What you need, first of all, is a database- making program. FILE MAKER and ACCESS are two options. File maker began as a MS-DOS-based computer program named Nutshell. It was developed by Nashoba Systems around 1982 or 1983. Nowadays, it is widely used in different centers, such as schools, hospitals and other various institutions. Microsoft released Access version 1.0 on 13 November 1992, and an Access 1.1 release in May 1993 to improve compatibility with other Microsoft products and include the Access Basic programming language.

How to make a ticket in File Maker:
* Choose a new document
*Draw your ticket on the document
*Fill in the different pieces of information:
                                       - Records
                                       - Fields
                                       - Data

NO matter how many tickets you want to make, you just need to create more by clicking new, and automatically, tickets will be numbered for your convenience.


Monday, November 22, 2010

RSS, what is it?

          RSS (Rich Site Summary) is the acronym used to describe the sharing of content among different web sites, normally associated with the right to use intellectual property, normally TV shows, newspaper columns..... Originally developed by Netscape, it's most widespread use is distributing headlines on the web. If for example, a web site wants to allow other web sites publish some of its content creates an RSS document and registers it with an RSS publisher. The reader of that document can then re-use it on a different web site. You can also "RSS Feed" your content to whoever wants it, allowing you to stay informed by retrieving the latest info. from the sites you are interested in. Apart from this, you also save time, by not needing to visit each site individually.

      There have been various versions of RSS. The first, created on March 15, 1999 was called RSS 0.90 and was published by NETSCAPE. Different versions have been created and developing until the most recent one, RSS 2.0 version 2.0.11, published in March 30th, 2009.
RSS Info.

     The RSS FEED logo is very easy to find. Anywhere you go, either a blog or an online newspaper, you will easily find the logo above and by clicking on it you will automatically receive any updates on the desired web page.

                              In Summary:

        * What is RSS?
      RSS is an acronym for : Really Simple Syndication
It is also known as: Rich Site Summary
RSS is a simple and efficient way to keep "in touch" with a website without actually visiting it
        *What can you use it for?      *Which format is it in?      *What is a FEED?
            Instead of adding all of your favorite websites into your "favorites" folder in your internet explorer, if you want to keep informed about new updates in your chosen web pages, you use RSS.  What actually happens in RSS is that whenever a website updates, producing an article/news item, it simultaneously produces a document that contains the summary of all the updates made on the website. This document is in the form of an XML document. The ‘XML’ is a specialized language of web (similar to HTML language) which can be accessed by specialized softwares (knows as RSS Readers) that reproduce it in a readable language for the end user. The summary of the updates written on the XML document is known as a ‘Feed’. This XML document usually has an .xml extension. Subscribing to an RSS feed is very simple. You just need to copy the address of the RSS feed of your favorite website in your RSS reader.
    *RSS Tags
         All RSS files share a similar structure. Any RSS feed has Channel and Item tags. These tags are either required or optional.
Title- Required
Description- Required
Pub Date- Optional
Skip Hours- Optional
Language- Optional
Category- Optional
Cloud fields (domain, port, path...)- Optional
Text Imput- Optional
Webmaster- Optional
Editor- Optional
Copyright- Optional
Title- Required
Link- Required
Description- Optional
                                                         RSS USEFUL PAGE