Thursday, November 24, 2011


Podcasting is similar to RSS ( Real Simple Syndication).
RSS can be used for subscribing to a web page and for the web page to send you any new contents they have uploaded.

With podcasting you have a set of subscriptions to pages but instead of readinng them on your computer screen, you listen to them on your IPod.

The format used for podcasting is RSS 2.0

Some programs which are used for podcasting are:

      *Audacity- A free program for Widows and Lynux in which you can record your voice and add soundtracks to create a podcast.

     *Garageband- Another podcasting program for Mac.

     *MP3- The most widely used format for sound tracks and podcasts.  

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Technology Article

Recently, Blackberry's usage dominance is being decreased by a greater numbr of IPhone users. A survey conducted by iPass shows that the IPhone is now the top smartphone being used in the business with 45% marketshare compared to Blackberry's 35%.

Evan Kaplan, president and CEO of iPass said that, while Blackberry marketshare only declined by 3% between 2010 and 2011, other smartphone platforms, such as Apple iPhone and Google Android devices, have grown faster. Furthermore he said that: "In 2012, it looks like iPhone will continue to lead in the enterprise, followed by Android smartphones with Microsoft Windows Phone smartphones a distant third,”

Concluding, experts said that tablet use will grow greatly in the following years, and businesses will have to pay their workers' internet bills because of the amount  of downloading they will need to do.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Summer Vacations 2011


      September has come again, and with it, school. It is finally our last year at school before college, and I can't wait for it to end. However, this year my summer holidays have been great, and they have speeded away.

    Just as school finished, I left to Santa Barbara, Clifornia to attend a pre-college program at UCSB university for a month. It was awesome, the college was just in front of the beach, with great installations, pools, beaches, bars, restaurants and dorms. This program was meant for 11th grade students, and it consited in choosing two couses which ranged from photography to international relations; one at the morning and the other in the afternoon. 
The rest of the time included different activities such as surfing, going shopping, relaxing at the beach, going to theme parks, Hollywood, and maaaaaaany more. The experience was great. I got to meet people from all around; from New York to Kuwait, passing through Hawaii. We all really experienced what college life means; freedom and responsability. The moth flew past, and I returned to Spain leaving many true friends behind.

    Back in Spain I returned to the beach, this time going to our house at Laredo, in Cantabria, and I had a great time as well with friends. There were parties and sun, so what else can you ask for? In the middle of August, I left for Portugal with my family, to enjoy some days of relaxing beaches. 

    I returned to Bilbao, and just whn we returned, the ASTE NAGUSIA began, and so I met with my friends and classmates and enjoyed some days of partying.

  Before returning to school, however, I returned to Laredo for a couple of days, and finally school began.

Thursday, March 10, 2011



      1.- What is a WIKI?
                 A wiki is a website where every page can be edited in a web browser, by whoever happens to be reading it. It uses simplified language or WYSIWY text editor. Images can be added to them, and different security preferences can be chosen, from being a public wiki, to being private. "Wiki" is "fast" in Hawaian.

      2.- What types of wikis are there?
                There are many kinds of wikis, all having to do with different things, from uncovering corrupt governments to dictionaries. Wikipedia, Wikispaces, Wikileaks, Wiktionary, Wikiquote,  Wikibooks, Wikisource, Wikispecies, Wikinews, Wikiversity.....
      3.- What is the difference between a blog,a wiki and a social network?
                All of these online web pages are different, very-useful platforms to "talk to the world". However, they all have differences. Blogs usually have a single author. It is the author who posts,others comment, it has a one-to-many content. Wikis have multiple authors, they are edited by a group or team, they are continuousy changing and growing rapidly, and they are a form of many-to-many communication. Finally, social networks are also one-to- many communication. People can comment on your profile, see your photos and comment them, and even chat with others.      4.- Elements required to run a wiki:

                First of all, you need a computer, of course. Secondly, you need an  FAST internet connection, as wikis are web pages. Then just use your mind to write about anything you want.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Adding an Audio File

This is the audio file I have uploaded to my blog.